Ana Teresa Ascensão e Luísa Sol

This book is the result of a conversation between architect Manuel Aires Mateus, psychanalist Vasco Santos and the two members of the art project Musa Paradisíaca, which took place at the EDP headquarters building on September 23, 2018. The event was part of the Open House Lisbon/ Lisbon Architecture Triennal.
The book includes the essays ‘A Casa e o Mundo’ by Luísa Sol and the portuguese version of the ‘The World and The Home’, by Homi K. Bhabha.
Edition by Luísa Sol and Ana Teresa Ascensão

Edition: Luísa Sol (Contents and Edition), Ana Teresa Ascensão (Design and Edition)
Texts: Conversation with Manuel Aires Mateus, Musa paradisíaca and Vasco Santos and the Homi K. Bhabha text “The World and the Home”
Language: Portuguese
Editorial: Luísa Sol
Conversation editing: Luísa Sol
Text Homi K. Bhabha, “The World and the Home”, in Thirth World and Post-Colonial Issues, No.31/32 (Durham: Duke University Press, 1992) pp.141-153
Tranlation of Homi K. Bhabha “The World and the Home” (English-Portuguese): José Pedro Baptista
Proofreading: Vasco Santos, Inês Lampreia e Ana Teresa Ascensão
Design: Ana Teresa Ascensão

80 pages 15,5cm×22cm. Soft Cover.
Printing 2 direct colors.
1st Edition: 500 copies.
April 2019
ISBN: 978-989-20-9083-2

Book selected by the jury of the 2019 Book Design Prize promoted by DGLAB for the international competition Best Book Design From All Over the World, by Stiftung Buchkunst.
